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![]() February 12th, 2002
Our leader, George Bush in his state of the union address called for action against what he labled the "Axis of Evil". This group included: Iran, Iraq and North Korea. In other words, those 3 countries, more so now than ever, have every reason to hate the US. Good job Bush. We had just begun establishing ties with Iran, now they are chanting Death to America in the streets. Now Iraq has more propoganda to fuel its anti-american rhetoric. We can now certainly expect more terrorist incidents now that we have added millions who will die for their anti-american cause. Following Bush's comments massive demonstrations were held in Iran, a news angency described it as:
Banners written in Farsi and English read ``We still follow the ideals of the Islamic revolution'' and ``America cannot do a damn thing'' - a favorite expression of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the spiritual leader of the revolution.
One placard read in English: ``Bush is a Dracula.''
``Outside threats only result in greater national unity,'' said Zahra Dowlatabadi, a 40-year-old homemaker who said national pride after Bush's speech led her to attend her first mass demonstration in years.
Perhaps instead we should take the wise advice of the Iranian president who said in response to Bush's statement:
``The American people have every right to ask their leaders how long should they pay the price for their faulty policies. What policies and what reasons caused the Sept. 11 attacks?''
Perhaps also we should step back and ask ourselves why the hell we are involved with middle eastern policy at all. But, of course, we all know the unoffical anwser to that - OIL. But than again, if we would invest the amount of money we spend in oil production, exploration and extraction and apply it to developing solar, wind and hydro, we would have no reason to be involved where we dont belong. On an ethical basis, do we have the right to be involved over there? Just because we have erronously established our bloated infrasture to run off a finite, mostly foreign fuel (oil), does that give us the right to play world master? Of course not, however since we have the technological, military and economic might not to matched, we can and do. We can tobble regimes as exampled in Afganistan and install pseudo-native regimes (regimes are nothing put american puppet govenments) to serve our purpose (assuring our oil and economic growth prospects there) and disguise it as wiping out governments that harbor terrorists.
Bush, unofficailly realizing hostile provocation of Iraq, Iran and North Korea, attempted some damage control by announcing:
In Washington, the Bush administration said Monday it would talk to and work with Iranian government officials despite the demonstrations and a suggestion by Khatami blaming U.S. policies for the Sept. 11 attacks. But it demanded that Iran stop sponsoring terror and trying to develop weapons of mass destruction.
So, what will properly occur behind closed doors is that the US will try to entice the Iranian governent with economic incentives to cooperate in its effort to wipe out governments who sponser terrorism, with a strong hint towards Iraq. If unsuccessful than the US would properly display a nice, forceful display of its military superiority to further suggest cooperation. However, all this is futile as we, as westerners, do not understand the concept. Americanism, or this idea of western culture (freedom to persue capitalism and consumerism) is by our definition, good. However, to the Eastern world, Americanism, or western culture is bad. Just because we view our lifestyle as good only means that by our standards, by our opinion, it is good. It is a matter of perspective. We can claim that god blesses this system, but they can claim that god blesses theirs as well. We, as americans, are so convinced that our cause is rightous we have developed weapons of mass destruction to defend it. However, it is interesting that we panic when other countries are attaining the same power. If our cause is truley rightous, why would there be so many people willing to kill themselves to prevent it from reaching thier shores? A truely "advanced" culture would understand that their way may not be the only way, and other paths should not be disrespected and labeled in derogitory contexts such as "unmodernized". So, if they want to remain unmodernized, we should not intervene. In a statement made by State Department spokesman Richard Boucher, shows that we do not grasp this concept yet:
``If Iran wants to set a clear course toward the modern world, we're happy to talk to them, work with them,'' State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said.
If Iran wanted obesity, alcoholism, school and work shootings, heart disease, industrial wastelands, water, air and soil pollution and oil barrens for leaders, than perhaps Iran would have set a course pervisously for modernization.
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